Charleston Home to Smokin’ Good Barbecue

Jim ‘N Nick’s Bar-B-Q in Charleston / photo by Angie Mosier

South Carolinians are nothing if not passionate about their barbecue. Go ahead, ask some locals, and they won’t hesitate to share their favorite barbecue joint. Here in the South, it’s all about pork that has been cooked low and slow in a smoky pit. But that hasn’t stopped some brisket masters from coming into the […]

Barbecue is a Best Bet for Charleston Dining

A bit like politics, religion and football, folks in the South are passionate about their barbecue. “I equate it to college football teams. Everybody feels strongly about their favorite barbecue and everybody else is the enemy,” said Aaron Siegel, owner/pitmaster at Fiery Ron’s Home Team BBQ. “In general, it’s the type of thing people feel really strongly about. When you ask somebody about […]

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