Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Walking Tour Tickets

Get exclusive access to Charleston’s oldest graveyard!

Tour Description

Walk inside the gates of one of Charleston’s oldest graveyards after dark. When all the other walking tours are looking in through the wrought iron fence, you will  be on the inside. Explore the graveyard and dark corners, closely inspect the headstones to see what you might learn, and take a moment to step across the graves if you dare. Learn about the history of Charleston’s graveyards, and hear the stories of the famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. You have heard the spooky Charleston ghost stories, right? Well, now you can experience them on this up-close-and-personal tour that takes you where others will not. Graveyards are endearing pockets of Charleston so much so that they are often referred to here as simply gardens. We love them because they are full of history, intrigue, and tales of love and loss.

COUPON DESCRIPTION: Save $2 off per person!

Tour Departure Location


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